The womb space is a divine portal that connects two worlds - spirit and physical. it is through the womb that we are birthed into this world. This magical place within you is a space for creation in every sense, whether it is birthing new life, creative projects or ideas into reality. The womb is the source of your infinite power and creative energy. Through consciously connecting to your womb you can activate your intuition, gifts, purpose, joy, sensuality and truth.
However, the womb can also hold onto energetic imprints of past relationships, emotional memories and trauma. These imprints stay buried in the subconscious, creating energy blocks which make us feel stuck and powerless.
By bringing divine light into the womb space (whether or not you have a physical womb), you awaken the power that already resides within your physical body, and access your innate gifts, wisdom and self-healing.
Holding a safe space, you will be supported to deep dive into the wisdom of your body to gently cleanse and clear away pain, trauma, wounding and conditioning from the womb space to make room for your radiant, divine and awakened self to emerge.
Womb Awakening journeys:
Womb healing is not a one time only cure, like a magic pill, it is a journey back to wholeness and a remembrance of who you really are.
Available in-person or distance
1 x 90 minute session - £80
3 x 90 minute sessions - £200